Saturday, November 14, 2009

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Malaysia, a shared territory.

P1150105 Malaysia: what was initially surprised to catch a bus as clean, air conditioned. Thibault has found that it looked like France as the highways were like ours! Kuala Lumpur we were impressed by its cosmopolitan. We rushed into the neighborhood Indian power back his thousand and one flavors. We immediately recognized the child was hidden behind the dark-skinned man named Indian! We rubbed the Chinese who stands behind the cash many stalls. We enjoyed a variety of soups with their chopsticks and the famous Peking duck. But we also enjoyed the western tastes during our reunion with my uncle ... and Malay cuisine you say? That's right! For some time, we wondered where were the Malay? On the island of Pangkor, we crossed several. This is most obvious in the national park in the center of the country before reaching its climax in Kota Bharu. We quickly feel that this country has undergone several waves of mass immigration. It is basically a union of several communities whose majority are Malay, Chinese and Indian. Outwardly, everything seems to be okay but by talking a bit we realize they do not mix them. All while the economy works well, everyone is benefiting ... P1140156 A view of Kuala Lumpur from the large pool of Mandarin Oriental. P1140760 A century earlier, British colonial architecture more like this ...

P1140221 In a city airy, clean and civilized, like finding a small hairdresser popular in an alley.


We tried the exfoliation of dead skin using three types of fish (Garra rufa). At first it's terribly surprising and it tickles but ultimately we've got a taste. Tested and approved. P1140777 is an example of Malay food! The big city to small villages, chains McDonalds or KFC in particular, are ubiquitous burgers. Rest assured, there are also healthier food made with rice, vegetables, meat or fish and coconut. P1150116 We can also sample fruit salad with spiced vendors motor.

We expected a lot of nature. We were not disappointed even though we are not in Malaysia at the right time. It is the rainy season and the east coast is inaccessible to us with its islands known to be genuine pearls. We did not dare to leave on several days in the jungle for fear of spending more time in the tent than outside. We've still been able to walk several times medium and even large trees in the canopy. Yes, yes, this is quite exceptional to observe the rainforest to thirty meters above the ground! But we were also soaked from head to feet with leeches who hoisted higher and higher. The raindrops were big and warm. The trails that we had borrowed had turned into a stream in minutes. We were all euphoric four. We were more attentive to the sounds of these places were a green roof. In the blink of an eye, the atmosphere had completely changed. We still cross pheasants and black and white birds in the long tapered tail named "drongo". We have heard many others with cries more or less acute. The variety of plants has amazed us. Do not talk about trees with vines and roots intertwined ... The lights were also quite incredible. In my case, I kept a little low for hornbill that I observed at leisure on the island of Pangkor ...


looks like a bridge in the canopy.


P1140885 P1140896 P1140922 P1140793 P1140930 P1140991 P1150032 ropes When it rains, our room is transformed into a laundry room. I grant you, it lacks a bit of heat!

P1140692 Pangkor Island was a perfect stop with its wild coastline, its wooded terrain and numerous birds including the famous hornbill ... P1140387 P1140397 P1140531 P1140612 P1150069

In Kota Bharu, I was glad to find other means of transport than cars and the air-conditioned buses on the roads. The "becaks" 'rickshaws) mingled with traffic.


The road continues, this time to Thailand ...


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