Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shaped Tech Deck Trucks

A small tribute ...

Before leaving China and away from that distant land, I want to make a nod to a few grannies wrinkled by life, full of wisdom ...

is also a tribute to mine that I never see but who kept a place in my heart.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

George Washington Bridge Toll Cost 2010

REXBAND, pop praise Indian version!

-By Matthias-

REXBAND is a group Indian singing in English. Today, with more than 2000 concerts under their belt, and about 2 million people encountered during their various appearances, this group is one of the most experienced formations Catholics around the world.

Belonging to the international movement "JesusYouth", the group presents a subtle mix of twenty-five musicians and dancers, all from different backgrounds. The shows that are born and offer surprising and rich tones accompanied by sophisticated choreography. Drums, electric guitars or bass meet and agree with classical Indian instruments like sitar or tabla, in order to proclaim the faith to new generations !

For the first time available in France on Joymusic.fr, this new "import" looks like a very pleasant surprise to the ears and heart.

abuse REXBAND is good for health!

REXBAND - His Rise (JesusYouth, 2005) - Available on Joymusic.fr

Wmp54g Wake On Wireless

cleanliness, hygiene. The customs


China is changing fast! We see trash and recyclable everywhere. Even in small villages, houses are full of sorted material being compacted. This does still not see some packages or debris near homes and rivers, but it gets clean!

Recently, a law requiring restaurants to sterilize bowls and chopsticks. We were amazed to see in small eateries sets packaged sterile. This no longer corresponded to the image we planes! This is a marked improvement .... But it is also worrisome for those who cook in the street with little means but fresh and delicious.

There is a place where I will not limit, they are the toilet. Jai was unpleasantly surprised to find that there are still antiquated toilet without doors, where only a ditch fills our excrement. In other words, it is not uncommon to have the odor, color and appearance of the stools of our predecessors. A flush is activated every 36 months by the miracle. If you are present at the time, it is all the laughs that empties under you ... the show is not the most gratifying! Fortunately all this tends to disappear with the appearance of new buildings springing up like mushrooms. You should know that private toilets are new luxurious. In some villages, it must still go to public toilets to relieve themselves or empty his chamber pot ...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Whipping Female Domination

DSC02010 Ten years ago, we had taken the Chinese for Barbarians! Unable to queue, they did not hesitate to pursue us to go ahead and get counters faster! Today this is still true but we are no longer shocked. We realize that politeness does not obey the same rules as us. Belch at the end of a meal is very much appreciated by the host. Hello is superfluous. However, it would be inappropriate not to offer a cup of tea to anyone who happens!


After numerous scrapes sound, it is not surprising to see a fall at his feet spitting ... Finally, today many have the habit of spitting in the trash ... It would have been a change since the Olympics. A Chinese told me about commercials related to education of the population. They learn to be more Chinese citizens to the world ... In all honesty, this seems crazy. Meanwhile, you will not see someone blow their nose and put his dirty handkerchief in his pocket ... Everyone has different customs and habits! DSC09865


Smoking is inscribed in their genes, with their old pipes are certainly more charismatic than the kids coming out of the cigarette package "Hong Ha. But the result is the same, they all create a cloud of smoke on the bus.

Noise is another matter characteristic of this great country so populous. Do not take offense or get on his high horse when China enters a dorm like a barn, with the headlights while you were in a deep sleep.

Finally, I make a nod to the birds. They are considered pets whose owners take great care. There are astute and patience to capture them ... It seems that the more one has, the more you live long ...


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Are Almonds Healthier Than Cashews

China and the game

P1230749 This is the first glimpse we had of this great country. Blocked at the border town during the afternoon, we wandered the streets and in alleys we found the open interest that the Chinese are the games. Without hiding, tickets range from hand to hand. Play would not present the same appeal if they were betting no money. Tables are designed specifically for mah jong. Others, who require nothing sophisticated, stand all the parks for great games of failure Chinese. They are also fond of the cards they throw on the set with determination.

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Beyond these distractions static, we have seen games of croquet morning among veterans. Not to mention badminton players who do not all need to net for fun.

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Faced with this national passion, the woman also takes its place. As for us, Chinese and foreign spectators, we are always welcome.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Urinary Invection And Heart Palpataions

Vietnam: North Side.


Back in Hanoi, four years later, we found that there were fewer cyclists ... But lost in the streets is always so pleasant. Street scenes abound. The grandpas and grandmas sitting at their doorsteps are many! As the houses are high, with the single operation: the street is little privacy! Several generations live in the same dwelling. This tends to change with a strong desire of young people but many do not have the wings to achieve economic desire! The hour of frustration arrived. Time will tell what it will lead?!


In this city, north of the country, iced coffees are less popular. They are replaced by green tea with the water pipe. We can also drink the the "bia hoi", local beer with no preservatives or lemon juice with sunflower seeds. All this sitting on low stools on the street ...

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Obviously, we returned to the puppet show on the water. I was afraid of having idealized ... Nay! We were all four subdued. The range and precision of gestures of the puppets we attract into their world. The musicians and singers on stage accroient magic. The story seems real in this ... There is more to be carried away by these artists ... Bravo!

After all that, we were off to a great ride in the mountains through Dien Bien Phu. But Thibault has taken over from Sylvain with shingles that we diagnosed with the pharmacist. And as his immune system was impaired, he contracted a digestive infection very resistant. Maybe we did not understand quite quickly that he wanted to return to France ... ??!!! So we posed homestay in Mai Chau, in a beautiful valley and we all got spoiled by Meg ... The fireflies were our nights sparkle to the sound of frogs in rice fields. When we hit the road, we certainly have seen beautiful landscapes but the work never seems to stop: bridges, dams, roads ... It's desolation! We so that steps stops before arriving in Sapa. The first vision was pretty brutal and disappointing as the city is suited to mass tourism: hotels, restaurants, shops succeed ... And here, again, I realized it was possible to deviate from the big shots and live in small moments filled with emotion and intimacy with people who encounter aliens every day in places very touristy ... It is not necessary to seek a place inaccessible to discover what it means wise word " authenticity ".

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Leaving Vietnam, we are all reached the conclusion that this country was beautiful and very varied. Yes, there is a "but". Every day, we met regularly Vietnamese sympathetic but we felt aggression. Fortunately it was only rarely turned toward us ... I still say it's a people quite nervous!

The good news is that Thibault found appetite! Since we bought the ticket, he is more excited than ever to enjoy our trip to end! This is pure happiness!
