Thursday, April 22, 2010

George Washington Bridge Toll Cost 2010

REXBAND, pop praise Indian version!

-By Matthias-

REXBAND is a group Indian singing in English. Today, with more than 2000 concerts under their belt, and about 2 million people encountered during their various appearances, this group is one of the most experienced formations Catholics around the world.

Belonging to the international movement "JesusYouth", the group presents a subtle mix of twenty-five musicians and dancers, all from different backgrounds. The shows that are born and offer surprising and rich tones accompanied by sophisticated choreography. Drums, electric guitars or bass meet and agree with classical Indian instruments like sitar or tabla, in order to proclaim the faith to new generations !

For the first time available in France on, this new "import" looks like a very pleasant surprise to the ears and heart.

abuse REXBAND is good for health!

REXBAND - His Rise (JesusYouth, 2005) - Available on


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