The High Authority for the dissemination of works and protection of rights on the Internet (Hadopi), responsible for strikes against illegal downloading, has made its first requests for identification of pirates
"The Hadopi confirmed that the CPD (Commission for Protection of Rights) has sent its first requests for identification," said Secretary General of the agency, Eric Walter, confirming a report Inpact Site PC, without specify the number of providers who received these requests.
The High Authority had received his first formal referrals to mid-August after a test phase started in late July. Within it, the CPD must warn users within two months, if valid referrals. Early warning emails are expected by mid-October at the latest.
"The Hadopi has difficulty getting started, it took a year, and instead of developing the legal supply, as promised, it goes directly to the machine to slap," responded Edouard Barreiro , Chargé de mission "new technologies" in the UFC-Que Choisir.
The consumer association said it had advocated a system of "collective" and a commission that would bring "consumers, such as collecting societies ADAMI (Society for the administration of the rights of artists and musicians interpreters), Spedidam (collecting society and distribution rights of performers) and those involved in the music industry. "
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