Monday, January 31, 2011

Leaning Wall Mirror Securing

Lalor Interview Fabrice Colin

Photo source of F. Colin

Following our common reading of the book "To you greeting" , we decided to work together on some issues that we presented Fabrice Colin . He gently folded even though the game is a busy time, This also explains the short answers. Meanwhile here is an interview, which is also the first of my blog, related to reading the book "Bless you" , you will find the notice read by following this link it. I thank all my buddies, those who shared this nice and grinning when common reading:
Acro , Bartimeus Christelle, Heart of Oak , Ende, Phooka , Laure , Lelf , Lhisbei , Olya , Pauline and Tortoise. And of course thank you to Fabrice Colin for his precious time.

+ + + + + + Interview

1. Why this book is called there "to wish you"? There's there a particular story related to this choice?

Not really. I was looking for a formula related to magic, something a bit lighter: "Bless you" is the ultimate expression of magical thinking. One can hardly find more primary.

2. Tuesday what should we be prepared for the publication of "On your love? What or who will speak this book?

To your love has been planned for a dozen years. For now, I've written three chapters. I do not know if it will ever see the day.
The novel tells the life of John Moon after the success that everyone knows. Our hero is married and his wife's family asked him not bad problems. To make matters worse, he wants to make movies. There is, painfully.

3. I know that in the pig all is good, but still why such an obsession?

No idea. If we start thinking about this stuff, the world collapses.

4. The character of John Moon Is the representation of something or someone in particular? Special reference to the drummer of The Who, knowing you rock fan?

John Vincent Moon is a character in a Borges story that I forgot the title dramatically. There are also references to Joyce in your wishes, but nobody sees them.

5. Prude's name on, is what its name comes from the word prude because she did not look very unglazed to handle the attention that it is Gloïn or so is that it comes from the adjective rather conservative in the sense that it really takes all necessary precautions for John, and she is very attentive to him? Or maybe his name has another origin, or just your imagination?

Honestly? I do not remember. But your analysis, and attention that you seem to be names and their possible hidden meaning, fills me with joy.

6. History nitpick, what is the name of the second Baron Mordayken ghoul which help each other to begin issuing the Devil? Because a small inconsistency has crept into the two editions, and it seems that Mordayken has a bug on the brave Nozdryov ... (Excerpt of this passage see below in this post!)

We call it contamination prosaic reality and its imperfections is invited in a novel mechanical supposedly impeccable. I'm absolutely heartbroken.

7. The elf who fail the examination of first year can be a reference to Jean Sarkozy prescient?

I'm not sure I have that kind of power. But Jean Sarkozy certainly deserves a novel in itself. Finally, say a new one.

8. Why dragons are they on a leash? Do you have a grievance against this species?

Dragons are symbols of naive imagination, anger unjustified and fantasy in general, of course, need to leash! It could also provide them with sedatives.

9. The Quartek is not a sport like any other ... Where is he, what sport existing or imagined by another, have you inspired?

The Quartek is a mess: a mixture of Blood Bowl, football and playground. At this point, if I may say, we no longer speak of inspiration, but chaos assumed.

10. This book can be read as a reference Terry Pratchett, for easy comparison of humor and fantasy, but there's there other references or dedications through "Bless you"?

I've never read Pratchett, but I guess the reference is unavoidable: humor, fantasy => Pratchett. The references are rather to be sought in PG Wodehouse and my inordinate love for England - his twisted humor and tenacious gray.

( passage to question 6 :
"- Go! Vitupérait Baron in the middle of the two undead, you are almost, damn it, faster than that, the game stopped for five minutes and Nozdryov! he became agitated by catching one of the ghouls by the arm, you're on the scoresheet for the second run, then it is imperative that the job is done now
- Nozdryov , ordered he approach a bit here. There. Now lower yourself. Warning ... We're Here! The ghoul
sat panting. Perched on his shoulders, Baron Mordayken controlled the situation.
- Master, "objected the undead at the time of the first water, heat will not do well in my chirculation.
- What is it you want me? Baron retorted, raising his lantern aloft. Death of a lost, ten readings. Anyway, you're not on the scoresheet. "

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How Do You Know If A Plantar Wart Is Dying

"Bless you" Fabrice Colin

This reading of "Bless you" marks the pleasure of playing relaxed, fun, entertaining and oh so hilarious. It also marks a common reading initiated by Acro and relayed to the blog Bragelonne .

This reading date there are two different months now and I hope my non-Alzheimer tangles detected yet not my opinion on this story.

+ + + The back cover + + +

Everyone knows Newdon, the fabulous city which combines human and enchanted creatures. But do you know John Moon? He is the coach of a team of ogres completely brutalized, their last championship. And Vaughan, the elf who has trebled its first year of School of Magic? Or Gloïn MacCough, the dwarf who made the flowers fade just by looking? While this is pathetic trio met before a few pints at the local pub, the Devil comes to town in search of a key that would open the gates of hell. And mocking fate has set his sights on our friends to foil his plans ...

+ + + + + + My opinion

From Fabrice Colin I had read his text published in the anthology "Back on the horizon" ( reviewed here) that I liked. with "Bless you" it radically changes the registry, if he played the game a piece inspired by a Philip K. Dick it is oriented fantasy comedy. Although the shortcut with a Terry Pratchett is easy but I think gear, then develop a bit please.

Seduced by a simple and effective coverage of editing Bragelonne 10 years, I bought this beautiful book. Then one day Acro offers a common reading of this book, then I hop I say yes and go.

And then one day play starts, won in a parallel universe, see fantasy in a fantasy London soberly named: Newdon. And here we are wearing a serial loser meets the sweet name of John Moon, QUARTEK coach, but still pretty brutal sport nationally, where he excelled by his great void. Also missed all his friends that he distinguished themselves by their inability equally relative. Vaughan Elf being a magician unable to cast a spell and is a dwarf Gloïn vegetarian unable to grow a plant. In short, a trio of zeros which is illustrated by its potential close to nil. Loser this side of me a lot more elsewhere because it reminded me of Nick Hornby's books , English author loosely chronicled in its pages . Moreover, being a loser myself endowed with a certain experience, I like to read this kind of preposterous adventure.

short you'll understand that we are in a book imbued with a downright offbeat humor may seriously crazy. Well, it's make or break this kind of humor, but I really loved it. I enjoyed myself on this reading, yet I confess I do not have to be a good reader of literary humor, but Fabrice Colin succeeded on this one then. Playing with names, phrases and situations to place a pest in your humor carefully debrided. What is particularly successful these are the dialogues that are effective to cheer the last of cranky! Take yourself a look at this excerpt:

- Master?
- Yes? asked the Devil, who thought that title was addressed to him.
- Oh, you gonna shut up? Baron whispered furiously.
- What? said the Devil.
- No, it was not for you, master.
- Not to put me? Mordayken tell me, I appreciate the kind words and I know that laughter is the essence of man, he was a dwarf or another or in short, and I know how it feels many thousands of years that I'm stuck down there, but anyway, is what you do not want to go a little faster?
- Right away, Master, right away! replied the baron, a thousand pardons, O glorious Prince of Darkness!
He literally hopped on the spot while his servant, still dripping, rose at his side.
- Master, "whispered the ghoul Nozdryov I lost a finger.
- You know where you can you put it?
- How? said the Devil.
- No, I talk to my ghoul Baron explained.
- Okay, "said the Devil, who was obviously beginning to lose his composure. It's perfect. It's fantastic.
- Thank you, master.
A sigh of ten tons of the crypt rose and fell like a souffle.

y 'Certainly it's humor, but the story then? Well it holds up, the book is released easily as we want to see what happens. More Fabrice Colin, gifted with a pen style rather fluid, known to punctuate his story to avoid falling into the trap of the succession of gags in the playoffs, this time by infusing some emotions (Or romance?) And questioning the reality of this crazy adventure: that we live is it real or just fantasy literature?

"Bless you" is indeed an excellent entertainment. The kind of book you take to relax and forget everything, the kind of book that you get away and brightens the kind of book that makes no sense unless it be to have fun. Perhaps add the forgotten favorites of 2010. In any case, certainly the kind of book that would offer to those who love fantasy and humor!

I also applaud the fact that this book, besides its beautiful illustration David Oghia enjoys a beautiful print on paper label Imprim'Vert . Too bad that does not Bragelonne all his books like that.

Well excuse me but you'll have to go buy other books Fabrice Colin . Suggestions?

+ + + + + + But still

This reading is a common reading I shared with some nice people though. Here is a list of these kind people and frequent, as well as links to their notice reads. A big thank you to them and they all very nice for this moment:

Acro , Bartimeus Christelle, Heart of Oak , Ende, Phooka , Laure , Lelf , Lhisbei , Olya , and Pauline Tortoise.

You will also find a separate ticket an interview with Fabrice Colin about this book.

+ + + + + + The book
  • Paperback: 332 pages
  • Publisher: Bragelonne (May 18, 2010)
  • Collection: Fantasy

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Long Should I Put A 6x2 Cake In

"The vain expectation" of Nadeem Aslam

interesting discovery of a feather and slightly sympathetic contemplative on a decaying world.

+ + + The back cover + + +

Lara went to the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, in the footsteps of his brother disappeared twenty years earlier. There she meets Marcus, an English doctor payable administrative expenses in his house once full of life, perfume and books. Since the Taliban came to sow death, he despairs to see his little son. Lara and Marcus find themselves facing ghosts whose fates were strangely intertwined.

+ + + + + + My opinion

I confess I do not get out of this packed reading, but I also think I expected too much of this reading, reading here or there critics praise rather, already placing the book at a certain level. Let us add to this that it is a book noticed it came out in 2009 and awarded a Prix Medicis. So I admit being a little disappointed, but it is perhaps of myself because this book carries with it a certain richness. But developing ...

's pen Nadeem Aslam is quite beautiful, rather contemplative in some ways even better reflecting the expectation that life in Marcus, the English physician of our history, the owner of this strange place where books are nailed to ceiling, where almost anything will happen, was his old scholar who has lost to during the various conflicts his wife, daughter and who seeks in vain his little son missing. Of course other characters are living in this novel that has something choir. In his research with an old friend, David Former CIA agent, who lost the love of his life in one of those wars. But he discovers a new start for Lara, the Russian state and is looking for his brother disappeared during the conflict between Russia and Afghanistan. Add the table Casa, a young Islamic fundamentalist, and is more or less all the protagonists of the novel. In sum

"The vain expectation" crystallizes contemporary history of Afghanistan. It feels well enough to undergo what is live and which country is at war for decades. First run over by a war with the Soviets, now eroded by a war against the U.S. and again in the 19th century by the English. In short, Afghanistan is a troubled country and too often overwhelmed by past and present rulers of this world. It feels well enough accumulated hatred, but we also feel all the contradictions of the people. Nadeem Aslam is itself Pakistanis, even if he leaves the country in its 14 years, we feel that he has lived in the Pakistani-Afghan culture, then by not hesitating to denounce these through without falling to in both the pathos and denunciation idiot. Nevertheless, each party takes to his rank, he is American, Russian, Afghan, English, Islamic fundamentalist or not. Every nation has committed mistakes in committing again to recognize or accept those of the past. Nadeem Aslam mixture, the pace of the tale, Asian contemplation to a life torn by war and lost love, the unspoken and lies. A rather intimate and lucid narrative that will touch many.

Unfortunately for me it did not really take. Or not enough, winning by now, forcing me to read more. I found that Nadeem Aslam had an annoying tendency to digress, beginning to talk about something and making a difference in a few paragraphs to relate some historical facts may be more or less related. This does not always make the book easy to read in my opinion and can give your little one learned at all. Of course, this only affects my sensitivity to the book, and I think the novel will appeal nonetheless quite a few people, especially since it has the great merit of wearing a look I think lucid enough of what happens in these parts there and what people saw and suffered in the past upset. A book that application may be time to ask them for a moment and take time to savor slowly. A look interesting and quite rich, but a book that will not fly with me.

Thanks + + + + + +

Thank editions Points for sending me this book as part of a partnership with Livraddict . I also invite you to visit Points editions.

Link to the book page on the site editions Points.
Link to the book page on Livraddict.

+ + + + + + The book
  • Paperback: 475 pages
  • Publisher: Points (26 August 2010)
  • Collection: Points
  • Translation from English by Claude Demanuele

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Stillmans Bleach Archies

Yes We Kant! A little challenge philosophy

You will understand through my previous post that I have unfortunately all the free time than before. And yet I find myself put my brain time available to share a bit intellectual. It is through the forum Livraddict I found myself, after some discussion, get into a philosophical readings Challenge . A reading challenge not seen that size Cyclopean commits us to reading a book on philosophy in 2011 . The opportunity for me to start my collection of beautiful book of philosophy that I kept for my old age. I do not know who to attack by ... But if you have any suggestions, I welcome your comments.

All information for this challenge is featured on the blog Chez Neph by following this link will (article presenting the challenge)

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Solid Color Berlinwood Fingerboard

Synopsis # 2

that's it's done: I have a new job. With it emerges that I have a lot less time to read. I hope to stay the course of 52 pounds over the year, but more would be even better because my PAL is full of his reckless over-weight. Meanwhile, I drag the leg and takes a new pace of life that I must share with family life, work full time, evening classes, job placement and end of study, aikido, (Takeda Ryu ) and many other activities and pleasures. In short, a full life ... We do not complain, but let a little on the current activity and future of the blog.

readings + + + + + + common

Currently, apart from the LC Circle Atuan with electure of "Bohemia" of Mathieu Gaborit and the next reading "Escape From Hell" of Hal Duncan, I am greatly limited. Although ... Let's do a little tour of it.

In March reading is scheduled Common "Red Mars" of Kim Stanley Robinson . I tried to read it, y 'for years without success. We will then retry the adventure.

I will also attempt the adventure "The sap and ice" of Lea Sihol , book deemed inaccessible. Therefore a challenge in itself.

For Winter Time Travel Challenge , we planned a LC "Darwinia" , the famous and highly respected Robert Charles Wilson . We'll see if I remain a fan hardline or if I'm disappointed like others in this book.

Yet I wanted to run SC, in the longer term, perhaps, of "The Anubis Gates" of Tim Powers and "coalescence" of Stephen Baxter. If you are interested, please let me know! There's also the "Saltatempo" of Stefano Benni waiting for me for too long and I read that too.

+ + + On the side of partnerships + + +

After Press Department home Folio, now it turns AOC in Pocket to approach my blog. I hope that good partnerships arise and wonderful discoveries bookish!

Currently I am busy reading "The vain expectation" of Nadeem Aslam , partnership with the Points editions and the site Livraddict .

J'e also just received a book for the Critical Mass of Babelio . THIS IS a novel by Belgian Francis Dannemark . This will allow me to advance Literature in my challenge Belgian and give me pleasure in plunging into the writing of this author that I liked "Man of September" .

+ + + level and challenges then? + + +

Well I managed to complete my Middle Earth Challenge which, it must be confessed, did not ask for a reading. So I chose "The Hobbit" but I still in the works of Tolkien rereading "The Lord of the Rings" , initially through an LC "The Fellowship of the Ring" . Finally, So I read more than was expected.

I still have 4 books to read by June for Challenge in the mood for Japan . I hope very soon to tackle Haruki Murakami and Akutagawa. The

Challenhe History continues slowly, but nothing planned on that side. I only read maybe not more than the three already read.

The Belgian Challenge Literature continues its merry way. I read two out of six, but I still have until December 2013. In the meantime, I hope to read Francis Dannemark soon and Thomas Gunzig his "Death of a perfect bilingual" . A novel that could enter the Time Travel Winter Challenge passed.

course I do not forget our dear William, with his Robert Heinlein Challenge. The book somewhere waiting for me well, but I am not even allowed time to read the first volume of "L" future history ".

The Challenge
Masterpieces of SFFF continued his journey without pressure and function of pleasure with no time limit ...

By cons I should kick my ass to read a little more for uchronies Winter Time Travel Challenge , otherwise I will arrive in March and I will not read much. I console myself saying that I read shortly "Darwinia " of Robert Charles Wilson , why not book Thomas Gunzig and "Travel 1" of Stephen Baxter still waiting for my good want, or a slot free.

And of course I do not forget the End of the World Challenge, but I still have not decided where to start. But surely I will fall for "Thunder mechanical" of Pierre Pelot , he drags in my PAL too long for my taste and it makes me feel good!

+ + + Concluding + + +

I will have to compress space and time to get to do all this. Or so I'm going to clone from one side to work with the other books. I'm definitely not multi-task as my PC. Unless I settle a dual-brain? I'll think about it.

See you soon I hope ...

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How Long Does D And C Take

THEOS meets with the group!

Theos is a French rock band originally from Rennes (35).

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Blue Topaz Vs Aquamarine Price

"The Devil" by Leo Tolstoy

knows why, in 2011 I wanted to read Leo Tolstoy's . It is true that I have read in 2010 "Money and work" ( chronic here on this blog) of the author but it was more of the test and I wanted to discover author under a romantic style. Now it's done and over with great pleasure. Maybe I'm ripe for attacking one of his novels mileage?

+ + + The back cover + + +

Irténiev, landowner, is a serious man who runs his domain with efficiency and thoroughness. Married to the soft and fragile Lise, romantic love which idealizes Irténiev doing its best to be worthy. This is not counting on Stepanida, a beautiful peasant woman unchaste, under ember, body strong and milky skin, which puts all his senses in turmoil ... Can we resist the temptations of the flesh? Tolstoy paints a diabolical sensuality.

+ + + + + + My opinion

Before I get into reading the novels of rivers Leo Tolstoy, I wanted to find a format and short fiction. So why when I stumbled upon this book at my bookstore, I took it immediately. In addition, as the attorney on the coverage I was also very attracted. I love the way a little cold Carla Van Puttelaar to treat the body through this picture and I think ultimately it fits well with this book.

It is here a little book of 86 pages. Nothing to be scared then, but a nice little format that is not even allowed to eat in a day and very enjoyable. Incidentally, as usual Gallimard provides us with a collection Folio 2 € outcome of larger collections. In this case, the text is based in the eponymous book of just under 200 pages in folio available in bilingual version. Or if in addition to the book "Kreutzer Sonata" .

level of the text, we are in a very classical style, Tolstoy belonging to the 19th century. But curiously me a lot more style and it makes me want to learn a little more this period the author and literary classic. I found myself glued to the book from beginning to end, surprised myself to be so immersed in reading this story because I wanted to also be personal challenge. In terms of history, Tolstoy us a story about the attraction of bodies, sensuality and the temptations of the flesh. This text would he side autobiographical? In any case we feel the physical side of attraction through this text, the hormonal side of man. It also shows how this aspect of animal that is in us may undermine marital happiness, how it can destroy a man who is faithful, thereby marking her descent into hell. In parallel course it seems that the woman portrayed by Tolstoy is a being of evil temptation, sensual being vilely that attracts men. But it must keep its Catholic side it.

In short, a beautiful text that takes advantage of a beautiful phrase which we allow ourselves to take fast, rocked from beginning to end. To discover then.

+ + + + + + But still

text is available online at Wikisource : follow this link.

Read my other chronic Tolstoy by following this link.

Leo Tolstoy at Folio: see on the site

+ + + + + + The book
  • Paperback: 86 pages
  • Publisher: Editions Gallimard (January 5, 2011)
  • Collection: Folio 2 €

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wards Ap Bio Labpro Lab5 Answers

"The Winds of Winter" by Serge Brussolo

It is through this book I finally discovered the pen of Serge Brussolo , French author who could be distinguished in different literary style, including the SF he abandoned but also a thriller, books for youth, and many others whose historical novel like this. A prolific writer that I had discovered. Done, and thank you very much to the Book of pocket for this partnership.

+ + + The back cover + + +

Why Did the Vikings crossed the seas to remove Marion, who sculpts ymagière blank stone at the bottom of an abbey the Normandy coast? Why warriors of the sea they are terrified by this young woman, to the point of imprisoning him in the hands of steel gauntlets ? is a world governed by strange superstitions that waits beyond Marion glaciers. There she must watch over the gods of the clan at the peril of his life, and beware of jealousy, intrigue that gives rise around her. For some hate this "witch" from France, and multiply the conspiracy to ruin his credit. Marion triumph she barbaric rituals of the people of the snow, or eventually she succumbed to the dangerous secrets she has committed the error to light?

+ + + + + + My opinion

Knowing the author's name and knew that he drags quite a good reputation, so it is with interest that I started reading this. And soon I found myself embraced by history to the point of swallowing a few pages in one go as if nothing had happened. Unfortunately for me my pace had to slow down but I think it is a book that may or must (?), Read it quickly because there is something in this story of panting. First, the fact that it is done by removing the Vikings, then it must find new life and be his new special status that gives it a duty to shrink ice idols of gods and the race against time and against the cold to bring the ice blocks in place in the mountains of northern cold.

I can not tell you every detail or even the end, it would only spoil the interest of the book, but the pace is actually quite breathless, maybe not like in a thriller because the suspense is not the same, but there is a little something of interest in the ongoing struggle for the survival of this young lady who must simultaneously integrate into a new world: the Vikings.

This world of the Vikings is perhaps what attracted me most about this book and I think it's related to my recent reading of the book "Vikings" of Tony Allan ( chronic here). I discovered an interest in these northern tribes and their past and I admit that this finding was somewhat fictionalized so interesting. We perceive the coup's interest Serge Brussolo on the subject, even if we notice that he does not get lost in useless descriptions on things that we do not really know them subject. His approach point is rather the confrontation of cultures, this meeting between the European culture of the center and the north, meeting the French Christian world and the world Viking still unconverted. A lovely clash which assesses the difference in perception of the world and shows that culture and religion, greatly influence how we perceive our surroundings and therefore inevitably our relationship to life and others. It also receives input from the compassion and mercy in our culture where the Vikings in the success of a good death was more important than anything.

romantic side is quite nice. The book reads alone, making this book a good page-turner. I'm just bored for a brief moment, but it passed quickly because the pace does not collapse beyond measure. What is perhaps unfortunate, but that is also interesting is that our heroine does not speak well the Nordic and therefore requires her "maid" for all translations, so that the dialogues are generally just between them may be missing but striking diversity all the more difficult to Communication between cultures. Serge Brussolo also uses it to allow both players to discuss them without understanding the rest of the group.

short, "The Winds of Winter" is a book very nice. A good page-turner that gives a good relaxing time and a very friendly approach of the Viking world and the clash of cultures. Maybe not a wonderful book nor unbelievable, let alone a book about the wonderful, but rather a historical novel that provides breathless just happy to be asked with a small batch of reflection. To discover then.

+ + + + + + But still

I want to thank publish The Pocket Book to partnership that allowed me to discover the writings of French author as far I had never read. I also thank

Livraddict repeated for the trust to me for these partnerships.

Some links:
The personal website of Serge Brussolo
The plug of the book on the site of the paperback
The plug on the live Livraddict

Third Reading Challenge for History.

About this Challenge on the blog "In the shade of the cherry"
The ticket summary holdings

+ + + + + + The book
  • Paperback:
  • 314 pages Publisher: LGF - Livre de Poche (June 2, 2003)
  • Collection: Paperback
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Friday, January 14, 2011

Can Hiv Be Present With Normal Cbc?

Special Offer: In Exile, the album, Paddy Kelly as a gift! Glorious

Right now, if you buy the latest album Glorious "Citizens of Heaven" and "Over time" the new album Theos, the album offers Joymusic of Paddy Kelly: "In Exile" !

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ms Saga A New Dawn Ecap L

"The Hobbit" by Tolkien

Finally pinned to my list of successes, this book can join the rest of my library. Well yes, as to admit at the outset, soon 32 years I had not yet read "The Hobbit " . Now it's doing!

+ + + The back cover + + +

Bilbo, like all hobbits, is a small peaceful. The adventure falls on him like lightning when the wizard Gandalf and thirteen dwarves beards just talk to her treasure, a perilous expedition to the Lonely Mountain, guarded by the great dragon Smaug, Bilbo leave because with them! It will cross the Lone-lands and forest of Mirkwood which must not leave the path will be captured by the trolls who feed on human flesh, driven by the goblins in the bowels of the earth, forced into a riddle contest by the sinister Gollum, stuck in the web of a giant spider ... Bilbo, however, escape all the dangers and come back home, lost reputation in the world of hobbits, but richer and wiser. Bilbo hobbit, a classic of modern fantasy literature.

+ + + + + + My opinion

As I mentioned here earlier, I had never read "The Hobbit" . And not to die completely uneducated, I wanted to redress this shortcoming. So as I exhume this book in my stack to read when he took the dust and a few months already. If it was dusty, the content is nevertheless effective. Admittedly, the style of JRR Tolkien took a few wrinkles, but this classic style a little rich and I like finally well enough. His descriptions are such that we imagine very well what surrounds us and it feels to walk on familiar ground when it is open imagination. While on his world is no longer unknown to anyone, the film adaptation of Jackson has pictures and voices on certain characters, but I admit he has done is a film that resembles the image I did the book (roughly of course!). Also note that an adaptation of " The Hobbit" is in progress ... We'll see what happens.

But back to the book. The phrasing is a bit bombastic certainly pleasant but sometimes he can be pompous, as if Tolkien wanted to do too but the style is very youth that game. I notice it more now that I took "The Lord of the Rings" for a replay, but it is certain that those who do not like the style a little busy Tolkien's not like it either. For cons, I can see myself playing this kind of book to my children in the next few years. Or give them to read because it's exactly the kind of book I should have read in my youth. This book offered a very nice imagination and style, if somewhat conventional, but still very enjoyable to read. It is a defect that is not one: songs and poems. Both in English it must give something, both in French this does nothing and even sounds a bit ridiculous in the process. We will see what will happen when I read "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil" where there are only that, but VO VF, history can compare ...

Finally, "The Hobbit" still a wonderful adventure that ends on a beautiful majestic endpoint, adventurous and belligerent. I am very happy to have read and I recommend it as a good book ecellent youth. A classic in any case which has some wrinkles, but wrinkles beautiful!

+ + + + + + But still

I read this book as part of Middle Earth Challenge . I first tried with "The Silmarillion" but unfortunately I soon dropped out. I will try again later accoups. In the meantime, I should read soon "The Fellowship of the Ring" a common reading.

Meanwhile, I had embarked on a small level, the Challenge Hobbit, and it is something successful. It is a challenge launched by The Bursar and Resmiranda . Thank you for this walk in Tolkien!

+ + + The book + + +
  • Paperback: 312 pages
  • Publisher: LGF - Livre de Poche (1 June 2007)
  • Collection: Paperback

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Much Does Direct Hair Implantation Cost?

• How you become the latest sport ... • BALANCE

I've never really been in tune with the sport.
I always hated sports ball and ball, and athletics! Still elsewhere. Do not talk to me especially football, I'm allergic!

In primary school, I remember I was running very fast in the playground, some of my friends came to follow me. I also remember having participated in several inter-school sports tournaments, where I won several times in the 100m, 3 medals (dated 1970-71, when I was 10 and 11 years) demonstrated again today.

Later, in high school, the only time I enjoyed in school gym class was when the teacher sent us running, then at least it was quiet. I also played in the evening, gym classes, but it was mostly to be with friends and girlfriends (some of which Florence ... see below), I was not really talented. Once
car license in hand, from 18 years, with many friends were hacked on cars and motorcycles. This was my period "motorsports". A hillclimb car (Renault 8 proto) to discover, a little motocross and off in pure amateur compet '(Honda 450 CR, anyway, to geeks). And above all passionate about Formula 1. First, watching TV, then as Commissioner Stand at the Royal Automobile Club of Belgium for 9 years, which allowed me to rub shoulders with big names in motorsport, with the responsibility of apotheosis in the winning car in the 24h of Le Mans in 1991 (Mazda 787B). For this little anecdote. From this period came my passion for model making. But that's another story ...

And, in retrospect, I am reminded of my time "military service" (apart from guindaille ...) these few good memories: jogging mandatory end of day Friday and 2 stair direction where I had a predisposition card reading to bring the group to the barracks (many were the "losses" at the time ...).

Marriage, job, home, kids. ... Separation ... In 20 years I've never played sports. But I've always been hyperactive, I constantly on the move. In 20 years, I only took 2 or 3 pounds!

Year 2000. The year of my 40 years. A little challenge from my neighbor (he will recognize me if he reads ...) after several Orval ( Trappist beer, for those who do not know yet. ... Without culture, go! ): "No chick come walk-trot with me tomorrow morning? "No sooner said than done (should I ever start challenging stupid and ridiculous ...), a circuit of 5.5 km, while chatting. 2 times per week. A week ... .. Several weeks. I thought it was super nice, and I especially felt the well-being that it brought me. Then, a small health problem of my dear neighbor, I find myself alone. A week ... But time passes more slowly, even me chatting to myself! The next week, remembering my "performances" (all relative ...) of my youth, I decided to make ... run! At the next exit, I held ... 500m! And I 'd never be able to recover my breath. Then I persevered, regularly adding 1 or 2 hundred yards. My well-being and only increased my appreciation! It took me six months to complete the 5.5 km fully aware (a cursed coast midterm gave me a headache) ( to the attention of people who know my area: starting from Discount complex towards the refuge of Zigomars by the small road, Chapel of the Good Place the timber back to discount the gravelled road ). Then

meeting with my friend Florence (we are!), Very sports, gym teacher (at least she persevered, she!) and his usual " So sport? "ironic, knowing me well ..." Well ... I course, "I retorted! Subjugated, " Wouaaaahhh! (yes, it was like that!) But it's great! You'll be able to come to "free style ! For what? I had no knowledge of this event, being completely new to athletics. And it explains what the CALGA , Gait Challenge Free Gaume (explanations at the beginning of my agenda ). I refused at first to make "races." Then at his insistence, I present myself to the first race of the season Allure Libre 2001 in late January, which takes place .... Practically in front of my house! Never, I had paid attention only once a year it was something in my windows!

A little embarrassed to introduce myself with my little shorts dating back to the school and emerged from the closet, old basketball and a sweet cotton advertising, I'll do this first race in almost walked, with other neighbors, and talking. Big "reprimand" of Florence. 2 weeks later, at Chatillon, I more motivated and starts ... after all, dead last, in fear. And it was only lift overruns and, ultimately in the first half (135 e / 304), which motivated me to read.

And now, the machine was started and never stopped since. 3 times a week, not a week off (ah, if, traditionally among the festive season, the early years). Not the "mechanics" did seized, no action by the "doctor-technician or mechanic-physio" to repair anything in 10 years. A "machine" well oiled (who said "the Orval "? No, but ...) and well rehearsed, gradually.

distance of 5 km in the first year, then 10 km, half marathon, marathon, several marathons, trail riding, ultra-trails, desert stage races ... The progress has continued to do year after year, based on meetings, opportunities, challenges, never take the lead, always emphasizing the fun and discovery! And little by little, by force of circumstance and necessity, equipment and training have improved and perfected.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How To Find The Vajina

"The Journey Folio SF 10 new" - Collection of new

released to celebrate 10 years of SF Collection Folio, it is a pleasure and honor that I have this code sent by Gallimard (Folio and therefore SF). Here we find a new set of very nice and who can argue visit!

+ + + The back cover + + +

In October 2000 the odyssey begins: Folio SF ship cast off, with on board thirty books including Foundation, Fahrenheit 451, Nine Princes in Amber , The Carrion , Frankenstein , Gandahar , Martians Go Home! , Substance or Death The Guide to the Galaxy - all classics major. October 2010. Ten years and three hundred and fifty titles later, the adventure continues. With The Horde Contrevent Alain Damasio The Way of the Sword Thomas Day, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow , Separation Christopher Priest Spin by Robert Charles Wilson and many others, the ideal library has grown.

+ + + News + + +

Anthology made to celebrate 10 years of Folio SF, this book is for me a pleasant surprise. The kind of book that is expected to be average, rather a promotional item that a book in itself, eventually emerging as a very good collection of short stories. A book that have me surprised, though like any anthology, not everything is perfect ... but continue on the news.

The book begins with the news of Mary Gentle : "The Road to Jerusalem" . One author I've never read and that I appreciated, unlike other bloggers. This little side uchronic me well more on a new last long enough, somewhere between fantasy and SF. In short, nice but not enough to say: "Ouaw. Maybe try I "The Book of Ash" one day?

Jean-Philippe Jaworski takes after him with a fairly short text: "Kennigar" . We are in full Nordic fable and it's pretty nice. However, the text is too short, and if I find out who's like that, it would be too soon forgotten. This leaves me with my hunger. Maybe it's time I tackle "Winning the war" ? In the meantime, I recommend reading "Janua Verra" or Jaworski excels in the new format. Chronicle here in these pages.

"The constructor" of Philip K. Dick is friendly with a man obsessed with creating a wooden vessel to the particular forms. Should I jump that in his work to better immerse myself in his style and soak up? In my opinion, another new would have done better ... The text of

Maia Mazaurette called "Chronos" is made rather in science fiction, unlike his last book in Folio SF is fantasy. Here, it accompanies a woman who wants to acquire its former glory, eternal youth. But what he left to get there? While writing the text is nice but not flamboyant. We will see what will happen when I get into one of his works long.

"vestige" of Christopher Priest exudes a certain beauty, a beautiful dreamlike ... But probably too tired I do not really have done a good job back in it. However, I keep my previous readings Christopher Priest a funny feeling that I was not strongly hooked. It will try again another day perhaps ... The text of

Thomas Day, "ethology of the Tiger" is for me the best of this collection in at least one of the best. The latest texts read by this author give me frankly want to retry the adventure with him, especially since I found the text more wealth than it seems. A story well done and contains a certain beauty. With this kind of text, Thomas Day reaches a certain mastery of his writing. Let's hope it lasts!

"Passengers" of Robert Silverberg is also one of the leading group. A fine text on a schizophrenic world or love has no place eventually. A super well written text and demonstrates Silverberg that was also an excellent short story! All this confirms my desire to reread the Silverberg elsewhere ...

followed by a text Ray Bradbury , text a bit short, which left me on my hunger. "The cement mixer mafiosi" is certainly very nice, but not to the point of the pin among others. So little disappointment here.

Stéphane Beauverger us a fairly short text entitled "OKW" . A new a little short for my taste but that is not too bad. It will give him a good grade average at best? Remember to read "The Déchronologue" of the author, one of my favorites, 2010, and a book to be published by Folio SF in March I think. The latter is reviewed here . A

ends on a high note with news that my favorite author at the time, I appointed Robert Charles Wilson . His new "utriusque Cosmi" revolve around in his work created by "Spin" and "Axis" , you will find chronicled here . Knowing that "Spin" is one of my favorites, 2010, hard to speak ill of "utriusque Cosmi" , especially here in the future is tilted and the other side, one that seems to be that of Hypothetical ... which themselves are facing a threat. The game of size and time scales and distances is interesting. A very good text, but not reinventing anything for those who have read "Spin" or his other books. Anyway, I want to read "The passenger vessel" the coup ...

Finally, note that y 'between each new short texts written by authors who are not SF. They say they each turn their joy of reading this kind of literature or what it has brought them once when they were young. If the texts are written for some goods, it has sometimes printing after reading all the literature fashionable finally gives some nice letters to the serialized novel. But here I am my bad language because it was not the goal but rather to the SF in the spotlight and what has made this kind of literature in general. A good idea to put it into text Chainas Antoine, Antoine Bello, Tristan Garcia, Jean-Baptiste Del Amo, Mathieu Terence, Marie Darrieussecq, and Jean-Pierre Luminet.

Finally I thank Gallimard who sent me this book for 10 years from his collection Folio SF. Good birthday and good luck!

+ + + But + + + still

The news of Mary Gentle being an alternate history, this book makes it eligible for the Winter Time Travel Challenge .

Third Reading so for the Winter Time Travel Challenge, challenge literary theme for the alternate history.

My presentation post
Other Tickets for the Challenge
's note RSF blog that launched the Challenge
The uchronic what is it? See more at Wikipedia

+ + + Web + + +

site of Folio SF

+ + + And in my blog + + +

Jean-Philippe Jaworski
Philip K. Dick
Thomas Day
Robert Silverberg
Stéphane Beauverger
Robert Charles Wilson

+ + + + + + The book

Your bookstore will offer this collection of short stories for the purchase of two Folio SF. Finally if still ...

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