Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wards Ap Bio Labpro Lab5 Answers

"The Winds of Winter" by Serge Brussolo

It is through this book I finally discovered the pen of Serge Brussolo , French author who could be distinguished in different literary style, including the SF he abandoned but also a thriller, books for youth, and many others whose historical novel like this. A prolific writer that I had discovered. Done, and thank you very much to the Book of pocket for this partnership.

+ + + The back cover + + +

Why Did the Vikings crossed the seas to remove Marion, who sculpts ymagière blank stone at the bottom of an abbey the Normandy coast? Why warriors of the sea they are terrified by this young woman, to the point of imprisoning him in the hands of steel gauntlets ? is a world governed by strange superstitions that waits beyond Marion glaciers. There she must watch over the gods of the clan at the peril of his life, and beware of jealousy, intrigue that gives rise around her. For some hate this "witch" from France, and multiply the conspiracy to ruin his credit. Marion triumph she barbaric rituals of the people of the snow, or eventually she succumbed to the dangerous secrets she has committed the error to light?

+ + + + + + My opinion

Knowing the author's name and knew that he drags quite a good reputation, so it is with interest that I started reading this. And soon I found myself embraced by history to the point of swallowing a few pages in one go as if nothing had happened. Unfortunately for me my pace had to slow down but I think it is a book that may or must (?), Read it quickly because there is something in this story of panting. First, the fact that it is done by removing the Vikings, then it must find new life and be his new special status that gives it a duty to shrink ice idols of gods and the race against time and against the cold to bring the ice blocks in place in the mountains of northern cold.

I can not tell you every detail or even the end, it would only spoil the interest of the book, but the pace is actually quite breathless, maybe not like in a thriller because the suspense is not the same, but there is a little something of interest in the ongoing struggle for the survival of this young lady who must simultaneously integrate into a new world: the Vikings.

This world of the Vikings is perhaps what attracted me most about this book and I think it's related to my recent reading of the book "Vikings" of Tony Allan ( chronic here). I discovered an interest in these northern tribes and their past and I admit that this finding was somewhat fictionalized so interesting. We perceive the coup's interest Serge Brussolo on the subject, even if we notice that he does not get lost in useless descriptions on things that we do not really know them subject. His approach point is rather the confrontation of cultures, this meeting between the European culture of the center and the north, meeting the French Christian world and the world Viking still unconverted. A lovely clash which assesses the difference in perception of the world and shows that culture and religion, greatly influence how we perceive our surroundings and therefore inevitably our relationship to life and others. It also receives input from the compassion and mercy in our culture where the Vikings in the success of a good death was more important than anything.

romantic side is quite nice. The book reads alone, making this book a good page-turner. I'm just bored for a brief moment, but it passed quickly because the pace does not collapse beyond measure. What is perhaps unfortunate, but that is also interesting is that our heroine does not speak well the Nordic and therefore requires her "maid" for all translations, so that the dialogues are generally just between them may be missing but striking diversity all the more difficult to Communication between cultures. Serge Brussolo also uses it to allow both players to discuss them without understanding the rest of the group.

short, "The Winds of Winter" is a book very nice. A good page-turner that gives a good relaxing time and a very friendly approach of the Viking world and the clash of cultures. Maybe not a wonderful book nor unbelievable, let alone a book about the wonderful, but rather a historical novel that provides breathless just happy to be asked with a small batch of reflection. To discover then.

+ + + + + + But still

I want to thank publish The Pocket Book to partnership that allowed me to discover the writings of French author as far I had never read. I also thank

Livraddict repeated for the trust to me for these partnerships.

Some links:
The personal website of Serge Brussolo
The plug of the book on the site of the paperback
The plug on the live Livraddict

Third Reading Challenge for History.

About this Challenge on the blog "In the shade of the cherry"
The ticket summary holdings

+ + + + + + The book
  • Paperback:
  • 314 pages Publisher: LGF - Livre de Poche (June 2, 2003)
  • Collection: Paperback
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